AVBlocks for C++  3.0
Audio and Video Software Development Kit
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
 NprimoTop namespace for all libraries developed by Primo Software Corp
 NavblocksAVBlocks Application Programming Interface
 NAVBlocksErrorDefines API usage errors
 NHardwareEncoderDefines which hardware encoder should be used for hardware accelerated encoding
 NLibraryInitializes AVBlocks and manages license information
 NParamDefines parameters that can be passed to the transcoder and to the components that are used in the transcoding process
 NDecoderParameters specific to decoders
 NDemuxerParameters specific to demuxers
 NEncoderParameters specific to encoders
 NMuxerParameters specific to muxers
 NVideoParameters specific to video filters
 NParamTypeThe ParamType represents the type of the data stored in a Parameter
 NPinConnectionThese constants are used as special values of MediaPin.ID
 NPresetDefines output presets supported by AVBlocks
 NAudioDescribes output audio presets structured by codec and device type
 NVideoDescribes output video presets structured by codec and device type
 NTranscoderErrorDefines Transcoder specific errors
 NTranscoderStatusDefines the status of a transcoder operation
 NUseSpecifies whether particular feature should be used
 CBlockA Block is a unit that can produce, consume or transform media samples from/to multiple inputs/outputs
 CConfigGlobal configuration
 CFloatParameterThe parameter represents a 64-bit floating point number (double precision)
 CHwConfigGlobal hardware configuration
 CIntParameterThe parameter represents a 64-bit integer
 CMediaBufferParameterThe parameter represents a MediaBuffer object
 CMediaInfoAnalyzes a file or a stream and provides information about its type and properties
 CMediaPinMediaPin represents an elementary media stream
 CMediaPinListMediaPinList represents the elementary pins within a MediaSocket object
 CMediaSocketAn input or output point of the Transcoder
 CMediaSocketListMediaSocketList represents the inputs or outputs of a Transcoder
 CParameterParameter is the base class for named parameters passed to various classes in AVBlocks
 CParameterListA collection of Parameter objects
 CStringParameterThe parameter represents an untyped value which is stored in a char_t string
 CTranscoderProvides functionality for audio and video encoding, decoding and transforming
 CTranscoderCallbackThe TranscoderCallback provides a way to receive notifications from the Transcoder and also to control its operation while it is running (Transcoder::run)
 CVideoStreamInfoParameterThe parameter represents a VideoStreamInfo object
 NcodecsCommon audio/video types and interfaces
 NAlphaCompositingModeDefines the way a foreground image will be combined with background video
 NAudioChannelFlagsDefines the speaker location of one or more audio channels
 NBitrateModeDefines the bitrate mode of the audio/video stream
 NCodecErrorCommon errors for encoders, decoders, muxers, demuxers and other A/V components
 NColorFormatDefines constants for various color formats
 NDeinterlacingMethodDefines video deinterlacing methods
 NH264DeblockingFilterDefines H.264/AVC deblocking filter mode
 NH264DirectPredModeDefines H.264/AVC direct predition mode
 NH264EntropyCodingModeDefines H.264/AVC entropy coding modes
 NH264MeMethodDefines the motion estimation methods used when encoding H.264/AVC
 NH264MeSplitModeDefines the block sizes for which motion estimation should be done
 NH264PicCodingTypeDefines the picture coding type when encoding H.264/AVC
 NH264ProfileDefines H.264/AVC profiles
 NH264RateControlMethodDefines methods for bitrate contorl when encoding H.264/AVC
 NH265LevelDefines H.265/HEVC levels
 NH265ProfileDefines H.265/HEVC profiles
 NH265TierDefines H.265/HEVC tiers
 NHwApiAPI for using hardware engines
 NHwCodecTypeHardware encoder, decoder or filter for a specific stream type
 NHwEngineHardware engine for encoding/decoding/processing
 NHwVendorHardware Vendor
 NInterpolationMethodDefines methods for sample interpolation
 NMediaSampleFlagsDefines various media sample features
 NMediaTypeDefines media types
 NMetaDataStreamInfo describes a generic data stream
 NMetaPictureTypeRepresents the meta picture (image) type
 NMimeTypeDefines MIME types used by primo codecs components
 NPcmFlagsDefines constants for various LPCM properties
 NPictureTypeDefines video picture types (I/P/B)
 NScanTypeDefines video interlace/scan types
 NStereoModeDefines stereo mode in MPEG Audio and AAC
 NStreamSubTypeDefines audio and video stream subtypes
 NStreamTypeDefines major audio and video stream types, and file formats (a.k.a
 CAudioStreamInfoAudioStreamInfo describes an elementary audio stream
 CHardwareEnumerates available hardware codecs
 CHwCodecDescribes a hardware encoder, decoder or filter
 CHwCodecListAn immutable list of hardware codecs
 CHwDeviceDescribes a device that can be used for hardware accelerated encoding, decoding or processing
 CHwDeviceListAn immutable list of devices
 CMediaBufferA buffer for media data
 CMediaSampleMediaSample represents one or more samples of audio or video data
 CMetaAttributeMetaAttribute describes a textual meta information that is part of an audio or video file
 CMetaAttributeListMetaAttributeList represents the meta attributes inside a Metadata object
 CMetadataMetadata describes meta information that is part of an audio or video file
 CMetaPictureMetaPicture describes a meta image that is part of an audio or video file
 CMetaPictureListMetaPictureList represents the meta pictures inside a Metadata object
 CStreamInfoProvides properties and operations that are common for all elementary streams
 CStreamInfoEnumStreamInfoEnum is a read-only collection of StreamInfo objects
 CVideoStreamInfoVideoStreamInfo describes an elementary video stream
 NerrorShared namespace for error definitions
 NErrorFacilityCommon error facilities
 CErrorInfoDescribes an error interface used for uniform error handling across all Primo Software libraries
 NlicenseDefines common license constants and interfaces used in Primo Software libraries
 NLicenseStatusFlagsDefines the library license status
 CLicenseInfoProvides information about the current license state of the library
 CReferenceBase class for all objects that require reference management
 CStreamThe Stream interface can be used to implement a data source or sink