AVBlocks for C++  1.9
Audio and Video Software Development Kit
Release Notes
AVBlocks SDK for C++ Release Notes

OS Requirements

* Windows XP SP2 and above
* Mac OS X 10.5 and above
* Ubuntu 12.04, Debian 6 and above

Redistributable Components

* AVBlocks.dll
* AVBlocks64.dll

* libAVBlocks.dylib

* libAVBlocks.so
* libAVBlocks64.so

Runtime Dependencies

* wmvcore.dll 
This DLL is loaded dynamically by AVBlocks when Windows Media (ASF) muxing and demuxing is used.
Note: The DLL is not present by default on Windows "N" versions (without Windows Media Player).

* msdmo.dll
This DLL is loaded dynamically by AVBlocks when Windows Media codecs (WMA/WMV) are used.

* libjpeg.so.8
* libtiff.so.4
* libpng12.so.0
These libraries are loaded dynamically by AVBlocks when the corresponding image format (jpeg/tiff/png) is used.

Samples Requirements

The samples provided with AVBlocks may need additional tools/libraries to be built.

* Windows 

AVBlocks samples come with solutions and projects for Visual Studio 2010. The AudioConverter and VideoConverter GUI samples use MFC as a shared dll.

* Mac OS X 

The AudioConverter and VideoConverter GUI samples use Cocoa and do not require any external framework like Qt.

* Linux (Ubuntu,Debian)

The AudioConverter and VideoConverter GUI samples are NetBeans "C/C++ Qt Application" projects. To use these projects you need the NetBeans IDE with C/C++ add-on. The Netbeans IDE is available through Synaptic Package Manager or directly from http://netbeans.org/downloads.

The libqt4-dev package is required. It is available in the Synaptic Package Manager and can be installed from terminal by running: "sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev". The latest Qt framework can be downloaded from http://qt.nokia.com/downloads. 

To run the 32 bit samples on Ubuntu 64 bit, you will need the ia32-lib package. The ia32-lib package is available in the Synaptic Package Manager and can be installed from terminal by running: "sudo apt-get install ia32-libs".

Demo Restrictions

The following limitations apply when operating in demo mode. 

* A watermark is overlaid on top of the encoded/decoded video when processing video streams.
* A short audio clip is mixed in with the original audio at random places when processing audio streams.

Release Notes - AVBlocks - Version 1.9.0 (23 Mar 2013)

** Bug
    * [AVB-136] - Demo version fails when video output is set to NV12 YUV
    * [AVB-219] - Transcoder returns `Operation not implemented` (facility:5 code:5) when output color format is set to `Gray` 
    * [AVB-301] - Converting H.264 4K (mp4) to a AVBlocks preset produces a small file with no video stream
    * [AVB-325] - Transcoder stops with an error when decoding specific MPEG-4 Visual streams
    * [AVB-330] - Crash when an H.264 stream is decoded repeatedly many times
    * [AVB-331] - Incorrect ID3v2 header size written when using MP3 presets
    * [AVB-334] - WebM splitter does not report normalized DAR (e.g.1280/720 instead of 16/9)
    * [AVB-336] - MPEG Audio splitter does not fill the StreamSubtype info
    * [AVB-341] - Demuxer / Splitter names reported as NULL for certain splitters
    * [AVB-342] - Images cannot be opened/parsed on clean Ubuntu 12.04
    * [AVB-343] - Linux: UnsupportedFormat (instead of MissingDependency) error when loading images on fresh Ubuntu 12.04
    * [AVB-347] - MPEG4-Visual decoder does not ignore stuffing bytes
    * [AVB-352] - Some streams may cause access violation in the MPEG-4 Visual decoder

    * [PC-43] - Heap corruption in MP4 muxer when a stream is configured with framerate=0

** Improvement
    * [AVB-302] - Reduce the jitter in the video frame rate converter to less than +125 ms / -45 ms.
    * [AVB-338] - Change ErrorInfo::message() to return an empty string instead of NULL.
    * [AVB-346] - Linux: Include the missing library name as a hint in case of MissingDependency error

** New Feature
    * [AVB-322] - Pass AAC streams from the MP4 demuxer to the MP4 muxer without re-encoding

** Story
    * [PC-54] - Enable placing of mpeg2 video in a mp4 container
** Task
    * [AVB-329] - API Docs: Clarify MediaBuffer usage in Transcoder::push()
    * [AVB-349] - API Docs: Update the description of StreamType.H264 and StreamSubType.AVC1
    * [AVB-351] - API Docs: Document the `ConcealDefects` parameter

Release Notes - AVBlocks - Version 1.8.1 (18 Jan 2013)

** Bug
    * [AVB-309] - License not accepted on Linux distributions other than Debian and Ubuntu
    * [AVB-313] - Mac: ImageSequence C++ sample does not compile.
    * [AVB-318] - Crash while decoding MP4 with AAC audio at 44.1 KHz

Release Notes - AVBlocks - Version 1.8.0 (15 Dec 2013)

** Bug
    * [AVB-297] - Transcoding WMV to MPEG2 produces output shorter than the input

** Epic
    * [AVB-298] - H.264 Decoder: Provide a way to override Video Usability Information / VUI (spans multiple releases)
		** Sub-task
			* [AVB-307] - Add Param::Decoder::Video::H264::VUI::MaxDecFrameBuffering

Release Notes - AVBlocks - Version 1.7.0 (29 Nov 2013)

** Bug
    * [AVB-263] - API Docs: Typo in MediaBuffer::data description
    * [AVB-273] - Null message for the new UnlicensedFeature error
    * [AVB-275] - Samples: Fix wrong calls to WriteFile (Windows)
    * [AVB-290] - Push decoding broken for H.264 interlaced streams in some specific cases

    * [PC-41] - Transcoder uses the bitrate in input VideoStreamInfo instead of output VideoStreamInfo.
    * [PC-47] - MP4 container does not work with B frames    

** Improvement
    * [AVB-225] - Use explicit values for public enumerations and document the actual values
    * [AVB-266] - Segment Param::Video parameters by function
    * [AVB-267] - Parameter refactoring
    * [AVB-274] - When printing errors sample apps must check for a null error message
    * [AVB-288] - API Docs: Update Transcoder::flush documentation
    * [AVB-292] - Keep the input scan type if the output is not set explicitly
    * [AVB-293] - Rename primo::codecs::InterlaceType to primo::codecs::ScanType (Breaking change)
    * [AVB-295] - Change VideoStreamInfo::ScanType default value from ScanType::Progressive to ScanType::Unknown (Breaking change)

** Story
    * [AVB-155] - Transcoder: Push / pull support for MPEG-4 Visual elementary stream
    * [AVB-193] - DirectShow Filters: MPEG-2 Video, MPEG Audio and MPEG Muxer
    * [AVB-195] - Enable Crop/Pad parameters
    * [AVB-196] - Make sure that the video is not distorted if the input/output aspect ratios differ
    * [AVB-252] - Production version should return error if it finds that a license has expired.
    * [AVB-261] - Add IntParameter
    * [AVB-283] - AVBlocks for Debian 6 (Squeeze) and Debian 7 (Wheezy)

** Task
    * [AVB-238] - Document input push / output pull for supported media types and subtypes.
    * [AVB-251] - Revise documentation of  avb_set_license

Release Notes - AVBlocks - Version 1.6.1 (11 Oct 2013)

** Bug
    * [AVB-189] - iPad / H.264 / AAC and iPad / H.264 HD / AAC presets produce choppy audio.
    * [AVB-221] - Samples: StreamEncoder crashes on error.
    * [AVB-226] - Mac and Ubuntu: MetaInfo sample does not handle unicode metadata values.
    * [AVB-227] - Mac and Ubuntu: StreamEncoder and YuvEncoder samples: Duplicate extension of output filename, e.g. `.mp4.mp4` instead of just `.mp4`.    
    * [AVB-228] - Samples: StreamDecoder crashes on error.
    * [AVB-229] - Build scripts may include sample code from the wrong branch

Release Notes - AVBlocks - Version 1.6.0 (12 Sep 2013)

** Breaking Changes
    * [AVB-167] Rename ColorFormat::RGBXyz to ColorFormat::BGRXyz
    * [AVB-142] Remove ColorFormat::YUV_VC1

** New Feature
    * [AVB-166] - G.711 and G.726 codecs

** Bug
    * [AVB-145] - MediaInfo returns InvalidOperation error when the input stream is invalid.
    * [AVB-163] - MPEG-4 Visual: MP4 demuxer will not group the headers and data for "I" frames (in some border cases).
    * [AVB-170] - Transcoder fails to decode a video frame in pull mode

** Improvement
    * [AVB-158] - Allow to set the output VideoStreamInfo stride
    * [AVB-165] - Load Wmvcore.dll dynamically. The dll is not present on all Windows systems.
    * [AVB-179] - Handle .dat, .mpe, .mpeg, .mpeg4, and .ogm file extensions
    * [AVB-172] - Remove assertions from Release build
    * [AVB-187] - Load msdmo.dll dynamically when needed for the Windows Media codecs.

Release Notes - AVBlocks - Version 1.5.0 (16 Aug 2013)

** Bug
    * [AVB-128] - VideoStreamInfo.FrameBottomUp set to true is not processed correctly in Transcoder
    * [AVB-162] - Stuffing bytes not discarded when decoding MPEG-4 Visual elementary stream

** Epic
    * [AVB-124] - MP4 muxing for video streaming / progressive download / fast start.

Release Notes - AVBlocks - Version 1.4.0 (4 July 2013)

** Bug
    * [AVB-107] - Linux: Video encoding produces wrong results
    * [AVB-137] - Docs: C++: No documentation for primo::license::LicenseInfo

** New Feature
    * [AVB-117] - StreamEncoder sample
    * [AVB-118] - DirectShowInput sample
    * [AVB-119] - StreamDecoder sample
    * [AVB-120] - Transcoder::push for compressed raw video streams (H.264 only)
    * [AVB-121] - PushPullDecoder sample

Release Notes - AVBlocks - Version 1.3.0 (16 June 2013)

** Bug
    * [AVB-108] - JPEG image decoder on Linux generates corrupted output
    * [AVB-109] - avb_create_license_info not exported on Mac and Linux
    * [AVB-122] - Assert in Transcoder::open with video input that has no stream or file set.

** Improvement
    * [AVB-106] - Split MediaInfo sample to AVInfo and MetaInfo samples.
    * [AVB-111] - Return Demo status from Library::setLicense when called in the Demo build

** New Feature
    * [AVB-98] - New ImageSequence sample
    * [AVB-100] - New YuvEncoder sample

Version 1.2.1 (14 May 2013)

** Bug
    * [AVB-92] - Last 2 frames in MPEG2 Video encoded stream are not the same as in the input.
    * [AVB-101] - MPEG2 video encoder does not generate sequence_end code

Version 1.2.0  (30 Apr 2013)


* AVB-82: Restructure License info API (new LicenseInfo class).
* AVB-88: Rename Transcoder::write and Transcoder::read to Transcoder::push and Transcoder::pull

* AVB-83: API Docs: Clean avblocks::ParamType documentation.
* AVB-89: Transcoder ignores framerate for YUV input

Version 1.1.0


* API string encoding changed to UTF-16 on all platforms (previously UTF-8 was used); ANSI strings are still used for constants.


* AVBlocks can read/write Ogg(Vorbis).
* AVBlocks can write Windows Media Audio (Windows only).
* The transcoder can encode images to single-frame videos, e.g. DVD-Video single-frame clips for DVD menu backgrounds.
* Metadata support. The transcoder can read/write metadata for certain formats (Wav, Mp3, Ogg/Vorbis, Window Media). The MediaInfo class also has been extended to allow reading of metadata.
* The transcoder can seek in the input. However, positioning in compressed audio cannot be precise to a sample.
* The transcoder can read output in discrete steps (Transcoder::read). Convenient when uncompressed audio or video is required.
* The transcoder can be used by specifying only input and output filenames (minimum settings).
* Existing samples ported to Mac OS X and Linux (Ubuntu).
* MediaInfo sample extended to show existing metadata (pictures are saved to files).
* AVB-22: The frame rate filter can be explicitly set for video, in order to compensate for missing video frames.
* A helper class primo::ustring is included to facilitate unicode conversion when the client string encoding differs from the one provided by AVBlocks (UTF-16). The helper class is included for Mac OS X and Linux and is implemented with native API on each platform.


* AVB-4: In certain cases Mp3 length is reported as zero.
* AVB-5: Inconsistent collection API.
* AVB-8: MediaSample::endTime property is used for two different purposes. 
* AVB-13: Allow AVB to be loaded and used more than once in a single process.
* AVB-14: WAV file duration is reported in milliseconds while it should be in seconds.
* AVB-16: The transcoded file is shorter than the source file.
* AVB-21: A/V sync issues in MPEG-PS. 
* AVB-30: The MPEG2 muxer generates corrupt output.
* AVB-35: The MPEG2 muxer output does not contain DTS in the PES packet header.

Version 1.0.1

First version.
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