AVBlocks for .NET  1.13
Audio and Video Software Development Kit
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234567]
  oCAudioStreamInfoDescribes an elementary audio stream
  oCPresetDefines output presets supported by AVBlocks
  ||oCAudioCDPresets for audio compatible with AudioCD (LPCM, 44100 Hz, stereo, 16-bit)
  ||oCDVDPresets for audio compatible with DVD-Video
  || oCM4AM4A presets (AAC audio in MP4 container)
  || oCMP3MP3 presets (MPEG-1 Layer 3)
  || oCOggVorbisPresets for Vorbis audio in Ogg container
  || \CWMAPresets for Windows Media Audio
  ||  oCProfessionalPresets for the WMA Pro codec
  ||  \CStandardPresets for the WMA standard codec
  |\CVideoDescribes output video presets structured by codec and device type
  | oCAndroidPhonePresets for Android phones
  | oCAndroidTabletPresets for Android tablets
  | oCAppleLiveStreamingPresets for Apple Live Streaming
  | oCAppleTVPresets for AppleTV devices
  | oCBDAVPresets for Blu-ray Disc Audio-Visual MPEG-2 Transport Stream
  | oCDVDPresets for DVD-Video
  | oCFastPresets for fastest possible encoding
  | |\CMP4Fast MP4 presets (audio and video streams in MP4 container)
  | oCGenericGeneric video presets (unrelated to specific devices)
  | |oCMP4MP4 presets (audio and video streams in MP4 container)
  | |\CWebMWebM presets
  | oCiPadPresets for iPad devices
  | oCiPhonePresets for iPhone devices
  | oCiPodPresets for iPod devices
  | \CVCDPresets for Video CD
  oCPinConnectionDefines pin connection disposition
  oCParamDefines parameters that can be passed to the transcoder and to the components that are used in the transcoding process
  |oCDecoderParameters specific to decoders
  ||\CVideoParameters specific to video decoders
  || \CH264Parameters specific to H.264 decoders
  ||  \CVUIParameters the are part of the Video Usability Information in the H.264 stream
  |oCEncoderParameters specific to encoders
  ||oCAudioParameters specific to audio encoders
  |||oCMPEG1Parameters specific to MPEG1 audio encoders
  |||oCVorbisParameters specific to Vorbis audio encoders
  |||\CWMAParameters specific to WMA audio encoders
  ||\CVideoParameters specific to video encoders
  || oCH264Parameters specific to H.264 encoders
  || \CMPEG2Parameters specific to MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video encoders
  |oCMuxerParameters specific to muxers
  ||\CMP4Parameters specific to MP4 muxers
  |\CVideoParameters specific to video processing filters
  | oCCropParameters specific to video croping
  | oCDeinterlacingParameters specific to video deinterlacing
  | oCFrameRateConverterParameters specific to video frame rate processing
  | oCPadParameters specific to video padding
  | \CResizeParameters specific to video Resizing
  oCMimeTypeMultipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) used in AVBlocks
  oCMetaMetadata attribute names (tags)
  oCErrorInfoDescribes an AVBlocks error
  oCLibraryInitializes AVBlocks and manages license information
  oCMediaBufferA buffer for media data
  oCMediaInfoAnalyzes a file or a stream and provides information about its type and properties
  oCMediaPinMediaPin represents an elementary media stream
  oCMediaSampleRepresents one or more samples of media data
  oCMediaSocketAn input or output point of the Transcoder
  oCMetaAttributeMetaAttribute describes a textual meta information that is part of an audio or video file
  oCMetaPictureMetaPicture describes a meta image that is part of an audio or video file
  oCMetadataMetadata describes meta information that is part of an audio or video file
  oCStreamInfoProvides properties and operations that are common for all elementary streams
  oCTranscoderProvides functionality for audio and video encoding, decoding and transforming
  oCTranscoderProgressEventArgsContains the parameters of the Transcoder.OnProgress event
  oCTranscoderStatusEventArgsContains the parameters of the Transcoder.OnStatus event
  oCTranscoderContinueEventArgsContains the parameters of the Transcoder.OnContinue event
  \CVideoStreamInfoDescribes an elementary video stream